Weekly Update 72

Hey there! If you are reading this, I am on vacation. Well, I guess I am on vacation even if you are not reading this. The difference this time is I am not writing this for the week it is designed to be covering but instead as a preemptive measure. So, what do we talk about?

Well, let’s talk about me.

I am a writer. I sometimes forget the purpose of this little project; to introduce myself to prospective agents that stumble upon my website from my query letter. I need to remind myself sometimes that I must be more professional here in case one agent does read this, but I have no way of knowing if they do. So, let’s assume that the person reading this is an agent.

Hello! I hope that introduction wasn’t too strong, I am just very glad you are here. Please make yourself comfortable while I tell you a bit about myself.

I am a writer. I write for multiple reasons, but I think the most important and most prevalent one is inspiration. I am constantly inspired by the world around me. It is very common for me to be in a mundane environment enjoying a simple or provincial activity to be suddenly submerged in deep thought. Thoughts about robots and aliens, thoughts about wizards and dragons. It doesn’t matter what starts these thoughts, only that I am left with a burning desire to explore this new idea. I let them germinate in my brain for hours, sometimes years, before daring to put them on page.

I am an incubator. When I was in second grade my teacher told us we would be hatching live chicks in the classroom. She explained we would need a special device to make sure the chicks would hatch, a device known as an incubator. This large white cabinet showed up in the room one day, bigger than any of us second graders with a thick clear lid that protected a mesh floor. We got eggs and weeks later gross, wet birds were in the classroom. That’s me. I’m the big white machine, and my ideas are wet sickly-looking chicks, eyes wide and scanning. Several of my ideas still need more time to “cook,” but a few are ready to be hatched. So far one has been able to grow from its sliminess. It has thin little legs and a scrawny body, but it can walk, it can chirp. Now, all it needs is someone to help it fly.

As corny as the metaphor got, I am still proud of this chick. We have been waiting for awhile now for someone to help it fly. Maybe that person will arrive soon.

I am working on hatching other chicks, though the work has become more tedious since the first one hatched. I am also playing Destiny 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3 more and more as the summer progresses. I am almost halfway through Becky Chambers’ The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet and I am loving it!

That is all. Please excuse any cringe present in this update, you are very brave to have read this far. See you all next week!


Weekly Update 73


Weekly Update 71