Weekly Update 71
What a journey we have been on. Sure, the journey has been a little boring compared to other journeys, but this one is mine.
Still no agents despite my efforts. I have nothing more to say on that.
I was able to see The Fellowship of the Ring in a movie theater with my dad and my sister’s girlfriend! It was magical. I explained to my sister’s girlfriend that as I get older Lord of the Rings means more and more to me. As a kid it was boring and scary… but now I almost cried multiple times finally seeing the story on the big screen.
For those curious it was the extended edition, a form that I prefer but I do not recommend to first time viewers. Don’t you worry fellow nerds: I warned my sister’s girlfriend (who hadn’t seen any of the films before) that starting with the extended editions is a bad idea but we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see it in theaters. I am very thankful we went!
Ok, I’m going to go. Time to query more agents! See you next week.